Crisis: critical need for healing NOW
Healing cannot be deferred.
I was warned by therapist:
People suffer a psychositic breakdown and don't heal and then have another one… then they're statistally almost gauranteed to have numerous more for the rest of their life…
I met a woman last year who had been involuntarily hospitalized, put in psych wards against her will… five times. It's damaging, inhumane, and abusive. The emotional and psychological scars from it were visible in her. It's a cruel, cruel world that treats people that way.
So it's ESSENTIAL that I get some real healing!!!!
Sharing my story
I'm interested in using my story as a tool for change. The systems are so bad, horrendous, really, and the solutions are so simple.
The journey's not over…
What I personally need in order to heal is so simple, yet unavailable, so my condition exacerbates and worsens, and has me in a bit of a crisis. I could certainly use some help.
Most upsetting is lacking ammenity to do my work.