Lacking Food and Medicine

Food scarcity now feels somewhat normal. It was common through my twenties, often living on about $50/week without any social services.

Earlier this year an old friend commented, having seen me the year prior, that I look like I'm slowly starving to death.

Since then, the foodstamps amount I received was decreased, the amount of food I ate thus decreased, and thus the belt tightened more.

I'm 6' tall and weigh less than 140lbs; I could be more emaciated, I could be so weak I can't walk up the stairs.


There's all kinds of herbal medicine, particularly in the categories of nervines and adaptogens, as well as vitamins and supplements that are very helpful and nourishing, which I obviously can't afford (and which even more obviously Medicare won't pay for).

CBD is a remarkably helpful medicine. I've had multiple therapists recommend it, both for trauma as well as schizophrenia. There are treatments for schizophrenia that prescribe CBD that amounts to a retail value of $60/day. I couldn't even afford that much per month.

Sharing my story

I'm interested in using my story as a tool for change. The systems are so bad, horrendous, really, and the solutions are so simple.

The journey's not over…

What I personally need in order to heal is so simple, yet unavailable, so my condition exacerbates and worsens, and has me in a bit of a crisis. I could certainly use some help.

Most upsetting is lacking ammenity to do my work.