9 months into remembering the horrors of my childhood, I visited the ocean where I was born, and a curtain or tapestry pulled back to reveal another world — a portal opened, and I tumbled into an unforseen hell of ghosts and demons.
"Schizophrenia" is a word that psychologists use to refer to things beyond their comprehension.
Reality is far, far more vast and remarkable than the normal observations, yet psychologists aren't allowed to believe in ghosts or portals or demons and seldom will give you much respect let alone have something to offer.
3 Rules of Schizophrenia
- Don't tell anyone about your schizophrenia. At best they'll stop talking to you, you may end up on bad drugs locked in a ward, or you might get lynched by police and tortured to death in a prison.
- Is too scary to publish here, but it's basically a reiteration of rule #1.
- Is for "normal" people when dealing and interacting with "schizophrenic" people: please try to have reasonable expectations.
Indigenous societies for millenia had shamans to help people heal and navigate experiences and conditions like this.
But our culture has nothing and we've committed genocide against all who did.
In her TED Talk video Eleanor Longden mentions a doctor who commented on how cancer is easier to heal than schizophrenia.
Eleanor tells her story of being drugged and discarded.
And she describes how the path to healing required giving her experiences respect as valid parts of a journey to be made. That's polarly opposite of the approach of medicating to suppress the "symptoms".
Through healing she gained an ability to hear and listen to multiple/different conversations simultaneously, a sort of post-traumatic growth.
Blossoming Tree of Life.
Embracing the journey - as Eleanor says in the video
Medicine --- CBD recommended by multiple therapists for both trauma and very high doses for schizophrenia…
there's way too much to put on this webpage
there's so much I don't even have time to fix the grammar and punctuation of this webpage.
It's all in the book.
Sharing my story
I'm interested in using my story as a tool for change. The systems are so bad, horrendous, really, and the solutions are so simple.
The journey's not over…
What I personally need in order to heal is so simple, yet unavailable, so my condition exacerbates and worsens, and has me in a bit of a crisis. I could certainly use some help.
Most upsetting is lacking ammenity to do my work.